Ayngaran Foundation start Bodhivanam
The purpose of this project is to establish meditation centre , We wish to speak out to all peoples and people, who are ready to support this project, who accept hindu teaching of mind development through meditation. All these people are welcome to take part in this project. We offer several possibilities, how to do that: donations (Dana) that will be targeted towards development of meditation centre and project; volunteer work during retreats and in construction; taking part in retreats; using skills (ie. development of web page, architecture, construction). Also it will be possible to state exactly for which purpose the donations should be used, for example construction of meditation hall, teacher's . Making such offerings, according to tradition, is a wholesome deed that will be very beneficial to the donator and bring good carmic results in future. From our side we will provide volunteers with help in organising visas, accommodation and food. We do all our actions with ...